Sunday, December 14, 2008

the end

finaly im done w/ showdown, yeah it took me forever, im a slow reader... plus i dont really like to read much... untill i start.
so nyways, pretty much the kid comesback to life because of something writen in the books and then everything gets happy from there, and... yeah pretty much, the books dissapear so yeah, "happily ever after"... till the next book: saint.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

banana car

incredible wouldnt you agree?!?!
thees new cars are the new fad
they are incredibly stilish and if
you are desperate enough edible!
they are a great hit here in the U.S.
everyone wants to own one, and
now you can too!!! with only 70 payments of only $3173!!! wow
what a deal!!! do order now call 1800-111-1111....1.
you must be 18... hundred yrs. or older to call... and 300000 to order.
hurry and call because supply is limited and will be gone in a jiffy, so
dont call late or youl be left out... outcast!!!

(for this adverisement we used: argumentum ad populum... aka appeal to popularity)

Monday, November 17, 2008

power from trees?

k, so some how scientist have found out that trees have electicity in them... (wierd huh) yeah some how there are "feeble" electric currents running through them, they (scientis dudes) say that its because of the "pH" (no idea what that is) difference between the soil and the tree... now they just need to figure out how to use it...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

so now the battle isnt quite gonna b a battle, its going to be a debate (coincidence: in class we are doing debates) so the "judjes" are people from the town that all... most of this is going on in (paradice) and theyre pretty much crazy right now so... yeah and im not sure quite the out come because it all of a sudden turned into a riot so,,, yep

Sunday, November 9, 2008

reading journal.

so i haven been able too read much for a while and yes im still on the same book... so not much has happened xept for one of the main characters is getting ready to fight the bad guys creation which is like the previous hero that died xept better and bad... so yeah thats pretty much it

Monday, November 3, 2008

reading journal

so as not to give alot away... basically the next thing that happenes (Showdown) is the new hero dies... yeah that quik. so that was lame, but now the kid who created "tomas" (the cop hero dude) empoweres himself somehow, and i haven quite gotten to see what he can do but yeah so now hes going to "paradice".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

k so for class we had to write our responce to two chapters that we read from "wouldnt take nothing for my journey now" by Maya Angelou

heres a part from it that seemed cool:
"life seems to love the liver of it. money and power can liberate only if you use it to do so. they can imprision and inhibit more finaly thank barred windows and iron chains"

its cool, its like saying that ll usualy you want money and power to be happy but once you get something then u just want more and for somereason poorer people seem to be happier than the rich people are... trippy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

next iread

so a new hero arrives in "paradice" (the town in showdown) hes a gunslinging "cop", hes basically a inhuman powered dude who comes to clean up paradice which happenes to be in ruins and gradualy getting worse. his name: Tomas Hunter. k so hes not a real person, hes been created by theese magical books that started the whole problem in paradice in the first place, (yeah so its oober confusing and makes no sence) so prettymuch the good side starts retaliating and they create this super"human" dude to do theire job, so far not much has happened since he appeared exept for a few minor things here and there so yeah... thats pretty much all ive got

Sunday, October 19, 2008


ok, im still not done with showdown, but im gettingish there... btw theres a new book out that has to do with it called sinner, im guessing its after "saint". sorry that was random, but anyways...
so i decided to start reading brisingr and uh... im a slow reader so im not too far into it but so far its just kinda reflecting back on what happened in the other two books and what has happened inbetween them, so so far no big deal

Tuesday, October 14, 2008




Sunday, October 12, 2008

ok so i was reading some random facts about random things.... pretty random, like did you know that goats produce theire own vitamin c? and thats why they live so long, like if our bodies produced exessive loads of vitamin c like goats we would supposedly live longer.... then like did u know that vin diesil was pulled over for going 120 miles per "awsome" no seriously thats what it says, i guess thats what u get when u read "random facts"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

ok, im still reading the same book, (im a slow reader) and.... im not sure what else to say about it cuz if i write more about it ill either give away the whole thing and itl be lame or ill have to explain the whole storie from the start and itl take forever and.... it would also b lame, so yeah i dont know what to write

Monday, September 22, 2008


k, so yeah im reading showdown and im like... halfway... ish, so its basically about a little town that for some misterious reason starts doing wierd things, and like out of norm things go on, and while thats going on, not far from the town theese people are the ones making the things happen but they dont even know that thats what they are doing, and so then...... k, that probably seems wierd and boring, but im leaving out a insane amount of details. so anyways, its oober awsome, and.... im not sure how to explain more but yeah.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

new book

k so im reading a new book called showdown and its by Ted dekker who bytheway is a awsome writer dude. so yeah the book is actualy kinda wierd.... at least at the start, but its uber awsome. its also kinda confusing, if you ever read it id suggest that you read the circle chronicles first (black, red, white) cuz they have to do with eachother and after showdown read saint, Ted ties most of his books together. so nyways... yeah its cool

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ok so im supposed to keep writing about the book, so...
where i am now, the family is already settled and they've been settled for a while, so now theire more used to all the new things going on. so now its basically about how they survive through school and finances. its interesting how... real it is, i mean yeah its a true story but... i dont know, its just wierd [in a goodish way]

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Breaking through

ok, so im reading a book called "Breaking through" truth is its kindof boring, yet interesting (sorry if i confuse you). its about a Mexican family that immigrates to the U.S. and how theire life is. I like how the writer that is also the main character talks, he desribes everything really well, so I get what he means, and how it must have felt. so i can kinda relate to it and i understand it so i can compare it to me, so i guess he writes it so that its really real. like other books dont really seem real even if they where, theire just books, but this one is grate.
i can kindof relate to some of the things that happen, i used to live in a little town so i get some stuff about it more... "personaly" [?]. and i really like that. so overall i think the book is good

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hi I'm Josh. I like drawing, soccer, playing bass guitar, and my favorite thing to do is pretty much anything that involves being with my friends. im 14yrs old... my birthday is october 12. right now im living in SanDiego CA. where i have lived for about 3'ish years. before that i lived in a little town near Encenda Mexico... so thats where i grew up. i have a family of 5 including me, other from my parents i have a older brother (Jeremy) and sister (Kaory... or kody because people usualy have a hard time pernouncing her name). so thats kinda who i am...