Tuesday, October 28, 2008

k so for class we had to write our responce to two chapters that we read from "wouldnt take nothing for my journey now" by Maya Angelou

heres a part from it that seemed cool:
"life seems to love the liver of it. money and power can liberate only if you use it to do so. they can imprision and inhibit more finaly thank barred windows and iron chains"

its cool, its like saying that ll usualy you want money and power to be happy but once you get something then u just want more and for somereason poorer people seem to be happier than the rich people are... trippy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

next iread

so a new hero arrives in "paradice" (the town in showdown) hes a gunslinging "cop", hes basically a inhuman powered dude who comes to clean up paradice which happenes to be in ruins and gradualy getting worse. his name: Tomas Hunter. k so hes not a real person, hes been created by theese magical books that started the whole problem in paradice in the first place, (yeah so its oober confusing and makes no sence) so prettymuch the good side starts retaliating and they create this super"human" dude to do theire job, so far not much has happened since he appeared exept for a few minor things here and there so yeah... thats pretty much all ive got

Sunday, October 19, 2008


ok, im still not done with showdown, but im gettingish there... btw theres a new book out that has to do with it called sinner, im guessing its after "saint". sorry that was random, but anyways...
so i decided to start reading brisingr and uh... im a slow reader so im not too far into it but so far its just kinda reflecting back on what happened in the other two books and what has happened inbetween them, so so far no big deal

Tuesday, October 14, 2008




Sunday, October 12, 2008

ok so i was reading some random facts about random things.... pretty random, like did you know that goats produce theire own vitamin c? and thats why they live so long, like if our bodies produced exessive loads of vitamin c like goats we would supposedly live longer.... then like did u know that vin diesil was pulled over for going 120 miles per "awsome" no seriously thats what it says, i guess thats what u get when u read "random facts"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

ok, im still reading the same book, (im a slow reader) and.... im not sure what else to say about it cuz if i write more about it ill either give away the whole thing and itl be lame or ill have to explain the whole storie from the start and itl take forever and.... it would also b lame, so yeah i dont know what to write