Monday, November 17, 2008

power from trees?

k, so some how scientist have found out that trees have electicity in them... (wierd huh) yeah some how there are "feeble" electric currents running through them, they (scientis dudes) say that its because of the "pH" (no idea what that is) difference between the soil and the tree... now they just need to figure out how to use it...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

so now the battle isnt quite gonna b a battle, its going to be a debate (coincidence: in class we are doing debates) so the "judjes" are people from the town that all... most of this is going on in (paradice) and theyre pretty much crazy right now so... yeah and im not sure quite the out come because it all of a sudden turned into a riot so,,, yep

Sunday, November 9, 2008

reading journal.

so i haven been able too read much for a while and yes im still on the same book... so not much has happened xept for one of the main characters is getting ready to fight the bad guys creation which is like the previous hero that died xept better and bad... so yeah thats pretty much it

Monday, November 3, 2008

reading journal

so as not to give alot away... basically the next thing that happenes (Showdown) is the new hero dies... yeah that quik. so that was lame, but now the kid who created "tomas" (the cop hero dude) empoweres himself somehow, and i haven quite gotten to see what he can do but yeah so now hes going to "paradice".