Sunday, December 14, 2008

the end

finaly im done w/ showdown, yeah it took me forever, im a slow reader... plus i dont really like to read much... untill i start.
so nyways, pretty much the kid comesback to life because of something writen in the books and then everything gets happy from there, and... yeah pretty much, the books dissapear so yeah, "happily ever after"... till the next book: saint.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

banana car

incredible wouldnt you agree?!?!
thees new cars are the new fad
they are incredibly stilish and if
you are desperate enough edible!
they are a great hit here in the U.S.
everyone wants to own one, and
now you can too!!! with only 70 payments of only $3173!!! wow
what a deal!!! do order now call 1800-111-1111....1.
you must be 18... hundred yrs. or older to call... and 300000 to order.
hurry and call because supply is limited and will be gone in a jiffy, so
dont call late or youl be left out... outcast!!!

(for this adverisement we used: argumentum ad populum... aka appeal to popularity)