Sunday, June 14, 2009


so far ive met billy and darcy who where in showdown but not theire grown up and billy is a lawyer and darcy ... its not too clear where she works but its just going through things that have nothing to do with much so far.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"i dont filt, i experiment with different forms of expression"
whats "filt"? just by what its saying around this quote im guessing
that its jumping around from one thing to another aimlesly...

Monday, May 11, 2009

reading journal

Englishman hated johnny. he despised hi in the worst way, so much that in that moment, he realized not having johnny to hate might be his end "if johnny dies, i might die"

does there have to be evil in order for there to be good? does one thing need to have an opposite to balance it out?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"he had thought betrayal would get easier with time. it didn't" i pesonaly dont think that it would get easear, its not really right... well it does depend on the surcumstances but anyways, it just leads to guilt dosnt it?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"im not sure which is harder, being caught in the wake of this project showdown, or believing it exists"
this sentence really makes me think of how much the past or present affects the future and how much one decision can change everything. sometimes i think of what could of happened if i had chose differently...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"I'm going to end this now" says the antagonist "Englishman"of the book as hes chasing the protagonist. it seems like the writer could just end the book now, but .. i have a ways to go. what else could happen? i mean really its already a hardcore scene, and there's all this intense stuff going on... so what next?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"johnny must now become Carl in order to save Kelly, it was the only way"
how do you become someone you arent ... and apparently its temporary.

Monday, February 16, 2009


"dust to dust, ashes to ashes"
i dont quite get this quote... which is why i post it. here a character is questioning who he is, he goes on through this long thing of what hes done and why and who he is and all that. and he ends it with that quote. so quesiton: why, what does he mean, it dosnt really make sense, whats that have to do with anything? maybe its just a was to dismiss the questions... idk

Sunday, February 8, 2009


"it would be an improbable shot. perhaps impossible.
to all but him."

this book is really interesting... yeah it sounds wierd but its good.
my question is if... , it explains the shot and the preparations n stuff, if its really that simple... then again he is like the bestes evr... unreal, but its a book nyways

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

saint qqc

here's my quote, its super intense and hardcore but its awesome: "a thousand men could hit a target at twelve hundred yards. but very few could shoot a bullet into a window, chamber a second cartridge even as the glass fell, acquire a target seated next to twenty other dignitaries through a narrow doorway, and place the bullet in the targets chest in the space of 2 seconds."
yeah... its pretty crazy, yeah i know this book isnt real but i mean... is it possible? it dosent sound that impossible (yes it still does but not as much) untill you read the "2 seconds" part.
so now you get the tipe of book im reading...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


media is, to me, basically communication... not only like phones n stuff, but commercials & signs (warning signs too) and... yeah pretty much.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

ok so the new book, its about a dude who is an assasin, like top of the line, emotionless, flawless etc.
and so far hes just descovering kinda who he is cuz at the start, it dosnt tell u then, but he goes through a test and in it he thinks hes someone else (thats how crazy good they are) and so now hes got that that was just fake and hes learning what he can do n stuff, ...