Sunday, February 22, 2009

"johnny must now become Carl in order to save Kelly, it was the only way"
how do you become someone you arent ... and apparently its temporary.

Monday, February 16, 2009


"dust to dust, ashes to ashes"
i dont quite get this quote... which is why i post it. here a character is questioning who he is, he goes on through this long thing of what hes done and why and who he is and all that. and he ends it with that quote. so quesiton: why, what does he mean, it dosnt really make sense, whats that have to do with anything? maybe its just a was to dismiss the questions... idk

Sunday, February 8, 2009


"it would be an improbable shot. perhaps impossible.
to all but him."

this book is really interesting... yeah it sounds wierd but its good.
my question is if... , it explains the shot and the preparations n stuff, if its really that simple... then again he is like the bestes evr... unreal, but its a book nyways